What To Expect: Therapy
Our focus is on helping the whole family, not just you, so your family should plan to participate in family sessions.
Sessions are scheduled on a regular basis, 1-2 times per week, or more, depending on the seriousness of the issues.
Treatment is usually about 6 months, but it can be shorter or longer depending on you and your family’s motivation and progress.
Within the first month, you and your family will work with your clinician to develop a treatment plan, which will list your goals for treatment and ways to reach those goals.
Your first session will be an evaluation involving many questions. The Evaluator may or may not be your regular Clinician.
Every 3 months, you, your family, and your clinician will discuss your progress in a Treatment Plan Review, which you (and your parent, if under 18) will sign.
By the end of treatment, you should be feeling better and you should have met your goals that you identified at the beginning of treatment. Your family (and teacher, if school services are provided) should also have learned some ways to help you to be your best.
At the final session, your clinician will make sure that you are prepared with any services that you will still need after our treatment ends. You will also be asked to evaluate the success of your treatment and provide input about your satisfaction with our services.
After treatment ends, you will be contacted to make sure that you are still doing well.
Click here for a copy of the Client Rights pamphlet, which includes an explanation of your rights & responsibilities and the clinician’s rights & responsibilities (Derechos de Cliente en Español).
Click here for a copy of the Health & Safety pamphlet, which includes tips to healthy living and Adapt’s safety policies (Salud y Seguridad en Español).